Sunday, August 19, 2012

An Update: Housing & Health

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us lately. After my last post I received a lot of encouragement from family and friends and for that I am grateful. Although I still have my moments of doubt and worry like anyone, it is comforting to know that the people we love are holding us up in prayer. Thank you!
Lake Atitlan- majestic as always!
After looking at a handful of places we are happy to announce we found a new place! It's a casita (little house) on the other side of town- about 15 minutes from the center of Pana. In true Guatemalan fashion we only found out about it because of a friend of a friend. (Here a lot of people don't advertise their places for rent. You just have to know someone that knows about it. Interesting, right?) The casita has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a common area, and a small kitchen. It is just a tad bigger than our former place. The best part is that it has its own little yard and back porch! Perfect for Lucia. :) We will be able to leave her outside while we go to work. We are going to sign an agreement this week and hopefully move in next Saturday. Photos to come once we are settled! Hopefully this will be our home for the rest of our time here. *fingers crossed*

I also wanted to give an update on my health as I know it has been a while since I posted anything about that. Those close to me know about what's been going on, but perhaps there are some people out of the loop... After having a lot of stomach problems (see Don't Eat the Potato Salad) our first five months here I decided to see a natural homeopathic type doctor here in Pana. He diagnosed me with having an overgrowth of yeast in my stomach. I was really nervous about our trip to the States in June because I thought I'd be sick the whole time. Thankfully, I felt great most of our time home. Per the doctor's orders I bought a boatload of natural supplements and medicine while in the U.S. When I came back to Guat I did a 15 day cleanse. It was awful! I have never done any type of cleanse (diet or otherwise) so it was really hard for me. I could not eat any fruit (with the exception of Granny Smith apples) or bread (anything with gluten really) or dairy. I broke some rules like having coffee (hey, yeast or no yeast I need my cafe!). The goal was to regain balance in my stomach. Even though it was tough, it really helped! After that I began taking some natural supplements to help support the flora and fauna in my stomach. I try to limit my sugar intake as yeast apparently feeds off of sugar. Praise Jesus that since doing the cleanse and beginning this medicine I have felt 100 times better! I still have moments when my stomach doesn't feel right, but mostly, I feel really good. I am SO thankful as I was starting to get really worried back in May! Thank you for your prayers about this too!
Enjoying some frozen yogurt during
Semana Santa/Holy Week

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