Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy 1st Anniversary to us!

I can hardly believe it, but today marks ONE YEAR since Daniel and I tied the knot! :) I think we both expected our first year of marriage to be an adventure, but I don't think either of us expected it to be this much of an adventure. Two international moves, new jobs, adopting a puppy, dealing with sickness, multiple transitions and so much more, this year has truly been a whirlwind. Even though at times it has been tough, I am grateful that Dan and I have had each other through it all. I can truly say that marriage and all the transitions have only brought us closer. It has helped strengthen our relationship and our faith. I am grateful to be with the one I love through the highs, the lows, and all the in-betweens. As we grow closer I see new things in Dan and thank God for giving me someone that balances me out so well! He is optimistic, understanding, and adaptable just to name a few of the traits I love. Also, he is an A-mazing cook! I am so spoiled... heehee. It has been awesome watching Dan fall in love with international living and in my moments of doubt, he has helped remind me why we are here. Cheers to our first year of marriage! I love you Daniel. This is just the beginning... ;-)

Here are some of my favorite shots from our wedding day! Photos courtesy of the very talented Brae Howard Photography.

the ladies

the gentlemen

First look tears

Model Rachel ;)

I really wanted a "feet shot" lol

Already busting some moves!

the entire wedding party

done in ONE SHOT! well done boys ;)

Pre-wedding. Looking pretty calm if I do say so.

Getting married under a beautiful, humongous tree in a vegetable garden

It's official!

Taking a moment to let it sink in

all the single ladies!

Mr. & Mrs. Katyl leave with a bang! I mean spark! Woohoo!

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