Friday, December 16, 2011

Celebration!!! & Prayer Request

Hola friends & family! :) I want to share with you that as of Tuesday I am OFFICIALLY DONE with my Master of Arts in International Development!!!! :) I am very happy and relieved. The last few weeks were crazy as I had to do a huge final project for one of my online classes. I investigated the traditional role of women in Bolivia and interviewed many of MAP’s workers. It was really interesting. Maybe I will post an excerpt sometime. Anyway, I am extremely happy to be done and am very thankful for all of the love, support, prayers, and encouragement I have received the past year and a half. I know that without the support of God and my friends and family I never would have made it. So THANK YOU!!! My graduation is this Saturday, but I obviously won’t be attending. We have been celebrating here though by taking it easy this week and just resting. 

In addition to that exciting news I have a prayer request to share with you all. As some of you know I have been applying to jobs throughout Central and South America. Since our situation here is uncertain due to visa challenges it makes sense to look for other opportunities. I have interviewed for various positions which has been really encouraging, but it turns out that finding a job that pays and that is suitable for a married person is harder than you’d think. Some of the positions haven’t worked out, but Daniel and I have been at peace with it because for one reason or another each was a clear no. Recently, two new positions have come up (one in Central America and one in South). Both jobs have pros and cons and while both are related to subjects I am interested in, the positions are really different. We are waiting to hear back to see if I am offered either position and should receive responses by Christmas. We are trying to be prayerful in this process and have open hearts, but it is extremely difficult not knowing what our plans are at this point. For me, the combination of missing Christmas and other events at home and not knowing what the future holds brings me to tears some days. At the same time, we are really settling in here in Bolivia and becoming part of an amazing community. We are trying to be open to staying as well as to the possibility of leaving soon. So, please say a prayer for us regarding this. That God would give us clear guidance and discernment in this process and that our hearts would be open to whatever He has in mind. We will keep you posted as answers come and decisions are made. Although the uncertainty can be a challenge, we continue hoping, praying, and having faith. 

Thank you for your prayers and support! 

In Peace,

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