Friday, February 22, 2013

Finding Balance with the Past and Present

Over lent, I am planning on writing a blog post at least once a week. I think it will be a good way for me to reflect on this Lenten period while sharing about our past many months in Guatemala (something I have been struggling to do lately).

I wrote a blog post (forever ago) about our last trip to the states in May about the joy or reconnecting with friends and family. This blog post contains some of my reflections from that trip, and then combined with more thoughts and reflections from the most recent stateside trip this past December.

My last many years living stateside, I became a little frugal. I would rarely ever purchase new things. I would wear my clothes and shoes until they were literally falling apart, much to the dismay of Rachel. My only large purchase in about 5 years was my laptop, which took a while to save up for, and was not an easy purchase for me. I tried to stay in the most affordable apartments within reason, was very stingy with gas/electric/AC (my previous roommates Mark and Joel could attest to this a great deal), and would generally only spend money on gas, my cell phone, food, and a few drinks out here and there.  In fact, the only thing I ever splurged on was maybe an item for cooking and good food, but I would go to 4 different grocery stores to find each food item I wanted at the best deal, and generally would only buy things on sale. Now I would not call myself a cheap person, but instead a simple person with simple needs.  I just am not the type of person who buys things on a whim; I rarely am sucked into getting something simply out of want.  I have no problem with people who buy more things than me; it’s just how I am.

So going when going Stateside this past December (especially on a Guatemalan salary), I struggled greatly… not because I was fighting the urge to want everything, but I more or less struggled with the “why” of it all. Why all of a sudden now do I want every little thing around me? Why am I getting frustrated and arguing with Rachel about how to use the gifts people are giving us? Why am I worried about fitting the maximum amount of items in my return luggage to make sure I can bring down every item I desire? And maybe the most important question for me at the time, how can I justify partaking in these luxuries and still find a connection with those I work with and live amongst on a daily basis? Maybe a more specific question to my context: is it disingenuous of me to strive for equality and uniformity with my Guatemalan community, and then indulge in a lifestyle many here in Guatemala could not even dream of? It is perplexing, and therefore frustrating to have these questions when I have been accustomed to a much simpler lifestyle abroad (even more so than my simple prior Stateside lifestyle).

These feelings/questions were culminated in two events. The first, believe it or not, was at a Trader Joes.  For many who know my love for all things food (cooking and eating), you probably know that TJs is nirvana for me. Delicious, affordable, healthy food, free samples, the friendliest staff ever, smoked Gouda cheese… (just started salivating thinking about it) what is not to love? Well…what I did not love was this overwhelming guilt of buying a bunch of food purely for pleasure and indulgence. Buying food I survived just fine without for a year. Every time I picked up an item, I would go through a similar thought process…

1.     Oh man! I used to buy these all the time! They are delicious, I MUST HAVE THEM!
2.     Ehhh, look at what I already have in my cart, looks like I already have some stuff, is this necessary?
3.     Maybe I can get this and put back this other thing in my cart as a compromise.
4.     Hmmm, but I really want that other thing too.
5.     DAN! Come on buddy, what are you doing? You don’t need that, put it back!
6.     I’m sad and confused, let’s keep walking…
7.     Oh Man! I used to … (rinse and repeat)

I could not help myself; there was a constant struggle between two opposing sides inside me. One side that felt I had every right to obtain these delights I have missed, and the other side making me feel guilty for wanting to waste my money on frivolous objects that serve no valuable purpose in my life.

The other event was with Rachel; we were given a somewhat expensive gift (for us) to share and do with as we please.  It was a very generous gift and we were and are very grateful for it.  The problem came when Rachel and I debated how we wanted to use said gift, which then turned into a full-blown argument in the middle of an appliance store that continued on our drive home.  Eventually, we were collectively saying something similar to number 5 from above. We both asked each other, what are we doing? Why are we arguing about a free and generous gift? And then the biggest question of all: if this item in question is causing us to argue, are we better without it?

I think this is the age-old question: are we better without the items we indulge in? If we are indulging in something, then most likely it is something we do not need. Let us take chocolate cake for example: cocoa, white sugar, white flour, butter, eggs, milk, and maybe vanilla… all mixed together to make a delicious treat.  Many fitness/health instructors would say that this is an unnecessary commodity, and we are better without it. From a nutritional standpoint, they would be 100% correct. What about with the expensive gift we received?  It most certainly was not essential to our well-being. We could easily live without it. So why have it then?

A famous 4th century theologian named Augustine really struggled with these questions involving items of a materialistic nature. In his most famous work, Confessions, which is basically a combination of his journal, autobiography, and theological insights, he commits a whole section to his struggles with materialism.  If you think I am being melodramatic above concerning these things, you should know that I have nothing on Augustine in this respect. His big thing was trying to understand how worldly items and desires negatively affect one’s relationship with God and with others. His conclusion was: they did.  Maybe a modernized understanding of his conclusion is in the words of Notorious BIG in his lyric, “Mo’ money mo’ problems”, but instead of just money: more of everything, more problems.  Anything past the essential has the ability to hurt our relationships with each other.

There is plenty of truth to Augustine’s concerns with materialism. You do not need to look further than the Guatemalans and Bolivians I have met.  I consider many impoverished Guatemalans I see daily as some of the happiest people I have ever had the pleasure to come across. In some cases, some of the most content people I have seen here do not know where their food will come from, not in a week, but in the next day! And not for themselves, for their children.  In Bolivia, one of my first and favorite observations was with watching the children at school.  Some of these children went to school in the same clothes almost every day, but you would never know it by their emotions. The only thing they cared about was playing soccer with a plastic ball on a cement basketball court, and having fun with their friends while doing it. I remember thinking then, “I can probably learn so much more from these people, despite their little education and social standing, than they can learn from me.”  I should point out though, that learning simplicity from Bolivians and Guatemalans, is not that simple. Mainly because, I will never be Guatemalan, and I can never forget my upbringing. The simple fact that on a moments notice, no matter what our situation is here, after the swipe of a credit card and 9 hours, we can be gone from Guatemala entirely, just shows how we can never fully embrace the simplicity of Guatemalan life.

So to bring this full circle, how do my struggles with materialism (from my Stateside heritage) mesh with my desire to find simplicity (learned from Guatemala and Bolivia)? More simply put, how can I connect with God and my community through simplicity, while also respecting where I came from?


I had to write a big paper on Augustine’s Confessions.  I remember struggling with accepting some of the things Augustine said on materialism in the paper. After my professor read it, he said to me, “Daniel, I think you missed a little of Augustine’s point. The sin is not enjoying a piece of chocolate cake; it is enjoying 3 pieces of chocolate cake.  The sin is not finding ways to leisure and enjoy life; the sin and disconnect with God, is being wasteful and using your time to always benefit yourself instead of building up the community around you.”  What that professor said has always stuck with me, especially right now. It screams the same message that I have been rediscovering the past year.


Of course, balance and moderation with everything is a lesson we all learn.  But in this case, is balance between two (or more) cultures and the lifestyles that come with them.  From my North American disposition, balance teaches me that there is nothing wrong with indulging in a little, and from time to time it is important.  Also, the US is our home no matter what, it is our heritage and upbringing; there is no changing that. It contains the majority of people who love us and support us.  It contains a large part of our community that will always care about us. When we go home, it is a time where support is shown though a reconnection to our roots. And one thing that happens in this time of support, is gift giving. It is one way of receiving and giving love. 


Then of course, balance learned in Guatemala reminds me to slow down and appreciate every single day God gives me.  Balance here is one that allows me to enjoy my upbringing and the items of wealth and prosperity that have come with it, but in a way that I continue to own materials instead of them owning me. Balance here shows me that life is about today and the people in it, so much more than food, clothes, my bike, smoked Gouda cheese from TJs, etc. can ever be. Balance here is what Matthew 6:25-34 is all about: not allowing the worries caused by the things in your life, and all the worries of tomorrow, affect the joy and contentment of today.


There was a Guatemalan woman with her children who was unsure if there would be enough money to buy food tomorrow. When asked, “What will you do tomorrow for food if you do not have enough money?”, she simply responded, “Today I am making food for my children, I will figure out how to feed them tomorrow, tomorrow.”

Coming to grips with that sort of calmness and contentment… this is the simplicity I want to take from here. Meshing this simplicity with who I am… this is the balance I seek.

Thanks for reading.

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