Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Prayer for Healing

I don’t want to be overly dramatic (or freak my mom out) so let me explain… I have been sick for about two weeks (since my birthday on Feb. 20th). Maybe that doesn’t sound like very long, but when you are constantly running to the bathroom or doubling over in pain, two weeks is a very long time. It all began with a lil’ nausea and diarrhea. I thought at first it was a little bug… no big deal. The confusing thing is that my symptoms have come and gone so near the end of my birthday week I thought I had gotten better. Then, I spent all of last weekend in bed curled into a ball running to the baño. One of the worst parts of the sickness I have (whatever it may be) is intense stomach pain. There have been times where I’ve been walking and I have had to stop and sit down for a moment because my stomach hurt so bad. After a pretty miserable weekend I decided that I definitely had to go to the doctor. So I did. 

It may come as a surprise (or maybe not) that medicine here in Guatemala is not as advanced as the U.S. so even though I went to the doctor with high hopes I can’t say I am extremely confident in the care I received. Basically, he put me on two super strong antibiotics for a bacterial infection in my stomach. Hoping that they would do the trick I started dutifully taking the pills. Those of you who have had similar ailments probably know all too well what I am about to say. I felt WORSE once I started taking the meds. It was as if a battle was going on inside of me like a tiny person was inside repeatedly stabbing my stomach. I started to feel really skeptical about them wondering if he gave me a dose that was too high. Oh I forgot to mention that this is a local doctor and the whole appointment, etc. was in Spanish.

So here I am laying in bed once again today and feeling very discouraged. My sickness comes in waves. Sometimes I feel fine, but other times I get really sick running to the bathroom and just feeling awful. Today is one of those days. I am sick of being sick. Also, I barely feel like myself if that makes sense. I often feel exhausted and just plain whiney… I wish there was an easy solution, but there really isn’t. I have heard about an American doctor that sometimes passes through our town so I am going to try and get in touch with him. I am going to keep taking the medicine and hope that it helps. I am going to try and stay positive even though it’s really hard. And I am going to ask you for your prayers. Prayers of healing.

As much as this post is to keep everyone informed it's also a way for me to express what I've been going through as writing it has been therapeutic. Thank you for your prayers and thanks for reading!

Maybe this is what I need to do?


  1. so sorry to hear that it is that bad...happy you have a companion...wish you got mail...

  2. thanks friend. wait i forgot to tell you!? we CAN get mail!!! as least that is what we have been told. we have not actually received anything yet. i will send you the address right now.
