Sunday, October 9, 2011

And we're on our way!!!

It's been a whirlwind week of moving out of Philly, putting our things in storage, and simultaneously packing for Bolivia. I definitely DO NOT recommend moving and packing all at the same time, but for us, it really couldn't be avoided. It was a crazy week for sure. And in true Dan & Rach style we were up very very late last night (past 2 am! yikes!). But, it is all good because WE ARE ON OUR WAY! :)

This morning we flew out of JFK airport where Dan's family sent us off with hugs and prayers. After our final goodbyes we headed to Washington D.C. which is where we are now. Next, we will take a 4:30 pm flight to Miami, Florida. Then, tonight (Sunday) at 10:30 pm we fly out of Miami and to La Paz, Bolivia. We arrive very early tomorrow morning (Monday) around 5:30 am. Then, we will spend many hours in the airport until we take a short flight from La Paz, Bolivia to Cochabamba, Bolivia around 2:00 pm. Lots of traveling! I know for my friends in Africa & Asia this long trip is normal, but for me (who is used to traveling to Central America) it's A LOT!

Right now, I am feeling all sorts of emotions. Excitement. Nervousness. Disbelief. It's kind of unreal to see something that we have spent so much time preparing for actually being realized. It's an experience that is hard to describe.

Since this most likely will be our last post before our arrival I want to share with you how you can be praying for us. First though, I want to tell you how thankful we are for all of the wonderful people in our lives supporting, loving, and encouraging us. Thank you for caring so much about us & our passions!
So how can you be praying?
  • Health- I have been fighting a cold the last couple of days & am still feeling under the weather. Please pray that I feel better quickly! For good health for us both and calm stomachs.
  • Safe Travel- Everything from bags not being overweight & arriving safely in Bolivia to our flights going smoothly.
  • Peace- We are definitely feeling a mix of emotions as this is a new thing for us. Please pray that we can take comfort in each other & the Lord. And that we can just enjoy the experience! :)
Other concerns include:
Altitude- We are flying into La Paz which has an altitude of 12,000 feet. Please pray we are able to adjust easily! This is something I am concerned about. Cochabamba is high too, but not as high. Oftentimes, people get altitude sickness so please pray that we adjust quickly.
Visas- As we have mentioned briefly, we have some concerns about our visas. Right now, we plan to enter on a tourist visa and then apply for a long-term visa. Please pray for us as we start this process. We will keep you posted.

Thank you so much! Hugs to you all! ;)

We will post as soon as we are able to let you know we arrived safely!



  1. Praying for safe travels! I had all of those feelings too...but when you land and are finally at your home for the next couple of will be so overwhelmed with FINALLY will be great!

